The organizers of the 8th Annual Aspen Conference on Pediatric Cerebrovascular Disease and Stroke invite submission of abstracts for presentation at the meeting on July 14, 2025.
The oral abstract session is intended to broaden attendees understanding of work being done in the field and show the breadth of cerebrovascular disease in children. The principal selection criteria for the abstract is educational value for conference attendees. Topics may include:
Basic science
Vascular developmental biology
Novel clinical approaches
Quality improvement efforts
Interesting cases
Projects may be presented previously in poster or printed form. There is no restriction on publication or embargo on abstracts accepted for this meeting.
Authors of accepted abstracts will be provided an invitation from conference organizers to present their work. A minimum of one (1) author must be present at the conference in Snowmass Village, CO on July 14, 2025, to participate in the abstract session. If accepted, all travel costs will be the responsibility of the submitting author.
Submission Requirements
For each author, include:
First Name Last Name, Degree
Organizational affiliation(s)
Abstracts must include:
Optional: You may include 1 figure or table image
Maximum characters allowed – 750 PER SECTION with spaces
Abstract Timeline
Abstracts due May 23, 2025
Notifications of acceptance will be sent within 4 weeks of receipt.
Abstracts will be presented in digital form, projected on a screen. Please format the presentation using 16:9 aspect ratio. A template will be provided as a guide. Abstract presentation slide are due for submission to the conference committee by July 7, 2025 to allow quality assurance and compatibility testing for presentation.
Additionally, presenters may choose to also display a digital poster. Please format the presentation using 16:9 aspect ratio. This format is not required and is optional only as an addition to an oral abstract presentation.